Preferring nothing to Christ

The monastery is a school of the Lord’s service where Christ is formed in the hearts of the brothers through the liturgy, the abbot’s teaching and the fraternal way of life. Through God’s Word the monks are trained in a discipline of heart and action to be responsive to the Holy Spirit and so attain purity of heart and a continual mindfulness of God’s presence.

Who We Are

We are Trappist monks

We are a community of about 40 Roman Catholic brothers living a centuries-old tradition in North America’s proto-abbey.

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How We Live

Prayer, Work, Lectio Divina

The monk, in a spirit of joyful penitence, is to embrace willingly those means practiced in the Order: work, the hidden life and voluntary poverty, together with vigils and fasting.

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A Monk's Day

“Seven times a day I have praised you” – Psalm 118

3:15 am Vigils, followed by private prayer and lectio divina
5:45 am Lauds, followed by Mass
7:30 am Terce, followed by work until Noon
12:15 pm Sext, followed by dinner and an optional siesta
2:15 pm None
5:30 pm Vespers
7:30 pm Compline

3:15 am Vigils, followed by private prayer and lectio divina
6:45 am Lauds, followed by Chapter
10:20 am Terce, followed by Mass
12:15 pm Sext, followed by dinner and optional siesta
2:15 pm None
5:30 pm Vespers
7:15 pm Adoration, Benediction and Compline