The Abbey of Gethsemani is celebrating another living stone. Br. Godric professed his simple vows on Nov. 15, the anniversary of the abbey church’s dedication.

The private ceremony was celebrated in Chapter after Lauds. After a customary six-month postulancy and two-year novitiate, Br. Godric professed vows of stability, obedience and fidelity to the monastic way of life for one year. The white scapular and cincture of the novice were removed, and Abbot Elias dressed him in the black scapular and leather belt of the professed.

Through this simple profession, Br. Godric concluded his time in the novitiate. As a junior, he will be entrusted with greater responsibilities and be more deeply integrated into the community’s life. He will also begin weekly conferences with the Junior Director Br. Aaron and other members of the community.

During the profession ceremony, Dom Elias called the anniversary of the church’s dedication an ideal day for professing vows. “Just as a church, once dedicated, is to be used exclusively as a place of worship, so too does the monk by making vows dedicate himself exclusively to the monastic way of Christian living,” the abbot said.

He continued, “As you read and sign your profession formula, then, you join this age-old current of life with the security of the solid walls around you and the community’s long history. But you also take on the responsibility of tending to the temple of the Spirit that you are.”

Juniors at Gethsemani profess vows for one year and then renew them each year. After a minimum of three years, the junior may request to make solemn, perpetual vows.

Please pray for Br. Godric and all our juniors and novices in formation.