Brother Lazarus, a junior monk, renewed his simple vows on Oct. 3. This marks the beginning of his third year in the juniorate, also known as the monasticate.

After a six-month postulancy and two years in the novitiate, monks and nuns become juniors through temporary vows of stability, obedience and conversationem morem (fidelity to the monastic way of life).

As defined by the Order’s Constitutions, juniors undertake these obligations for at least a three-year period, or three periods of one year, before taking solemn, lifelong vows. At Gethsemani, brothers usually do the latter and renew them annually.

As Br. Abel and Br. Joseph made solemn profession in July, Br. Lazarus is currently Gethsemani’s only junior monk. However, Br. Godric has nearly completed his novitiate and has presented his request to take simple vows.

Please pray for Br. Lazarus and all the Order’s monks and nuns in formation as they seek to follow God’s call.