This is Dom Elias’ third term as abbot.

The Conventual Chapter re-elected Dom Elias Dietz as abbot on July 11, the Feast of St. Benedict. Thus, he began his third six-year term as abbot of Gethsemani Abbey.

The installation took place that evening before Vespers. After an introductory statement by the Father Immediate Dom Mark Scott of New Melleray Abbey, the Prior, Fr. Michael, read aloud the second chapter of the Rule: “On the qualities an abbot should have.”

Dom Elias then made a confession of faith and was ceremonially presented with his three symbols of office: the pectoral cross, the abbey keys and the abbey seal.

All the solemn and simple professed monks renewed their vow of obedience to him; the novices and postulant offered him congratulations.

After Vespers, a celebratory gaudeamus supper was held in the refectory.

Dom Elias’ term technically should have ended in April, but because of the pandemic the election was postponed. As there were no cases of the virus at New Melleray nor at Gethsemani, and both communities have remained quarantined, it was deemed safe for Dom Mark to come preside at the election.

Please pray for Dom Elias as he continues his service to the community.