Fr. Patrick Boyle, 94, died on Aug. 13. He had been in monastic vows for 70 years and 54 years a priest when the Lord called him.

Born in St. Louis in 1928, Fr. Patrick entered Holy Trinity Abbey – Gethsemani’s former daughter house in Utah – in 1950. He professed solemn vows in 1956 and worked in the monastery’s gift shop for decades. He was ordained a priest in 1967.

Gethsemani founded Holy Trinity in 1947. When Holy Trinity closed in 2017, the remaining monks’ stability was transferred to Gethsemani, though they opted to remain in Utah at an assisted living center.

Fr. Patrick was well liked and was a popular confessor and counselor. Those at the assisted living center said he often received many friends and visitors.

A funeral Mass will be celebrated at the assisted living center on Aug. 18 and he will be buried alongside his brethren in the cemetery at the former Holy Trinity monastery.

Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.