“When they live by the labor of their hands, as our fathers and the apostles did, then they are really monks.” – Rule of St. Benedict, Ch. 48

On Labor Day, Sept, 7, the monks processed through the abbey’s work areas, asking for God’s blessing on those places, their work and on those working within them. The Labor Day procession is a tradition going back decades.

The ceremony began with the singing of Vespers in the Abbey’s Shipping Department. After imposing incense, Abbot Elias blessed the brothers and the work area with holy water. Following the cross, the monks then processed through the grounds. They chanted the Litany of the Saints as the abbot continued sprinkling holy water on the various work areas they passed.

After arriving at the Farms Building, where Gethsemani Farms fruitcakes are packaged, Fr. Elias led the community in prayer and they concluded with a hymn.

Per tradition, the ceremony was followed by a Gaudeamus supper with homemade pizza, soft drinks and even a few beers.

We pray for all those who labor, as well as the unemployed and underemployed. In addition, we pray for all our Gethsemani Farms customers who enable us to live by the labor of our hands.