Welcoming all as Christ
Every monastery is to continue the tradition of welcoming guests and the needy as Christ according to local circumstances. Let those whom the providence of God has led to the monastery be received by the brothers with reverence and kindness but without allowing this service to impair monastic quiet.
-OCSO Constitutions
Welcome Center
The Welcome Center includes a film and display about monastic life at Gethsemani. There is also a shop where our products and a fine selection of gifts and books may be purchased. It is open Monday-Friday, 10-5 and on Saturday, 9-5, with the exception of public holidays and holy days of obligation.
No reservation required
No advance arrangements are needed to attend church services and walk the grounds. However, groups may phone 502.549.4406 to advise of their plans to visit. There aro no tours of the monastery or grounds and unfortunately we are unable to offer meals to day visitors.
Nature Trails
About 1,500 acres across the road from the monastery are open to the public for extended walks and hikes. There are miles of trails through the knobs on this side of the road. For trail maps, ask at the Welcome Center. Feel free to strike off on your ow, but take note of the turns you take. People (including monks) have gotten lost over there!
Please bear in mind that the monastic life involves separation from the world. Much of the property and the monastery building itself beyond the church are enclosed areas. Signs are posted to mark these areas. If there is a wall or a fence, this generally marks an enclosed area. If in doubt, please ask. We sometimes have requests to visit the hermitage built for Thomas Merton. The monks still use this hermitage for private retreats and therefore it is not open to the public.
Mass and Prayer Schedule
All of our liturgy is open to the public.
3:15 am Vigils
5:45 am Lauds, followed by Mass
7:30 am Terce
12:15 pm Sext
2:15 pm None
5:30 pm Vespers
7:30 pm Compline
3:15 am Vigils
6:45 am Lauds
10:20 am Terce, followed by Mass
12:15 pm Sext
2:15 pm None
5:30 pm Vespers
7:15 pm Adoration, Benediction and Compline
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available in the Skakel Chapel on Saturdays from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.